Sunday, February 28, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
New Space
Sorry for not updating here lately, I have been working on a new space for my blog and you can now find me at:
I am slowly but surely still working to get my site finished but I hope to get all my readers over there now and to watch my site grow and help others in different areas of their life :)
Saturday, February 20, 2016
When You Feel Like You are Spinning
Do you ever get that feeling that you are spinning in circles? Well this momma does for sure. I work full time outside of the home, then when I come home I have a long list of things to get done before bed, which never seem to get finished. Then I wake up the next day and do it all over again. The problem is, when I accomplish one thing the night before, it is already time to re-do it the next night. I would love to say I have a family that helps momma pick up and do things but sadly (not totally complaining...I love you hunnie) I don't. Usually it is the "if I want something done, I guess I will have to do it myself" feeling we get. For me it isn't even the doing it "right" kind of thing, it is more of "just doing it" kind of thing.
As long as I can remember I never had a good sense of good home organization or tidiness even though I grew up with a mother that was totally a "perfectionist" when it came to things. I guess I never allowed myself to "learn" it. Well I have my own family now and of course like most, I dreamt of that great "Disney" like family where the mother stays home and takes care of the kids and the home while the dad works all day, then when he comes home dinner is ready and we all sit down to eat then I would clean everything up he would play with the kids then we would do a family nightly routine together and off to bed............. Well it isn't, but that is okay because God put us all together for a purpose; wired us all differently, etc. I have a wonderful husband that works hard all day long, I work outside the home all day long and when we get home with the kids at night it seems like a rush of an evening where I start dinner, kids play in the living room or their room while daddy watches TV. After dinner, I work on getting the kids in the bath as quick as possible so they can be winding down for bed. Once I get Weston to bed, I proceed to clean up the mess from dinner while Reba rocks with daddy in the recliner watching TV until she falls asleep. By the time that girl falls asleep I am usually in our room winding down myself doing my blog posts, watching YouTube, and doing my time with the Lord. Now I crash, leaving them out in the living room. Our routine of bedtime is totally chaotic, I hate it, and I don't know how to change it....
Friday, I worked nine and a half hours which by the time afternoon came around, I was pretty well fried. I had nothing left and all I could do was think about sleeping but as soon as I felt that feeling, then here came my "to-do's" flying through my head. Oh dear was that the most un-relaxing feeling. As a momma that is completely disorganized at home and lazy, my house is a disaster and I need help. My head is about to spin off my shoulders.
With that all being thrown out there, today I have my to-do list of what I want to accomplish in only one room. I need to focus on one room otherwise I start here, then there, then back here, and so on. The only way to get anything accomplished is to stay focused. This morning I have a photo shoot but after that I will be getting things done. More than likely I will be vlog my day and upload for you to see my progress and how the day went.
My question for you is...what tips do you have for a stubborn child(ren) bedtime routine?
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Vlogs to Check Out

Some of you may have seen on a previous post that I am also a new vlogger (MyChannel) but I have been literally obsessed with YouTube for several months now. I had never really watched much YouTube or even realized that it had SO MUCH informational videos. Well I came across plan with me channels from many YouTubers which then caused me to really want to use my planner more if I used some fun stickers and decoration...who knew?! That became an obsession to watch those in my free time which wasn't much. Then somewhere I came across a channel that today has become my ultimate favorite and a new friendship in the making. The channel is a stay-at-home momma that homeschools her kids, and she vlogs daily as they go about their day. I watch her daily, sometimes watch her videos multiple times because I just love them; her name is Christy over at organizedMOM! I really hope you hop over to her channel and just take a peek at her videos. She is so inspirational, especially when it comes to organizing.
On one of Christy's latest videos I heard her mention a YouTube channel that she watches and it was also one that I had stumbled upon that I had never actually officially watched but saw that she had some great videos that I wanted to watch and she is over at She's In Her Apron! She has some inspirational videos as well when it comes to cleaning, cooking, organizing, etc.
These two channels are amazing and I do hope that you hop to their page, take a look around, subscribe and join in on some daily fun!
Do you have a channel on YouTube you would like to tell us about?
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
A Little Down Time
Well I am needing to get my dining room finished so you guys can see the finished product of my cleaning and organizing. Sadly I haven't felt all that great this week so far to be able to get it finished or a post started. But I do have it in my planner to get done no later than this week.
Do any of you ever have that down time whether it's intentional or not? Man as a momma it seems like it happens a lot; at least for me. There are always so many things on my to do list that I truly want to accomplish but something or someone else always needs momma. A daily routine is something I am really striving for in this challenge and last night was my only night I didn't get done what needed done before bed. I just decided to take a little down time for myself and rest.
Tonight and the rest of the week will be better. Again you can always catch me on my vlog channel.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Valentine's Day, Love, & Unveiled Wife
This day comes around every year and it seems like more and more it has become about gifts and how much or how big your gift will be for that special for someone. Unfortunately when people are on a tight budget there is no room for gifts; honestly is that all we think about is gifts?
Well I was surprised by my husband getting coverage to watch the kids all night so he could take me out to dinner & a movie. It definitely was something I did NOT see coming because I knew we had so much to get done throughout the evening and weekend. So he has shown me the love he has for me by making this evening special. Daniel and I have not had the chance to go on a date for over 6 months and that has taken a slight toll on our relationship. We had been making a point to have at least one date night a month so we could just spend quality and intimate time together to just catch up with one another. It was a wonderful evening.
Anyway back to looking into that "love" word and what it may mean in our marriage...
I have read this amazing book by Jennifer Smith, well-known for the blog
If you have not read this book, I highly recommend it because she really opens up about her marriage and her spiritual walk with God. Within the first couple of chapters I had marked a few paragraphs that really spoke to me and stood out to me.
"How would you ever learn unconditional love if you were married to someone who met all the conditions?... How would you ever learn mercy, patience, long-suffering, or heartfelt compassion if you were married to someone who never failed you? Who was never difficult with you? Who never sinned against you? Who has never slow to acknowledge their sin or ask for forgiveness? How would you ever learn grace to pour out your favor on someone who did not deserve it if you were married to someone who was always deserving of all good things?"
"The main purpose of marriage is that through your marriage you become conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.... You are married to a person who does not meet all the conditions so that you might learn unconditional love. You are married to a person who needs mercy so that you learn to give it. You are married to a person who does not deserve so that you learn to lavishly pour yourself out on a person who does not respond appropriately. And thus you become like the God you worship!"
"Over the last several years, as God continues to transform me and my marriage, I have also learned the value of what it means to be unveiled: to embrace those moments of raw vulnerability in order to draw closer to others in a real way. I have gained a rich understanding of how intimacy is cultivated in relationships by allowing myself to be made known. God gave me the courage to be transparent with Him and with my husband, revealing more about me--my true identity, my heart's desires, and my personal struggles."
These three paragraphs really spoke to me, do they speak to you? All too often do I forget what marriage is truly about. Marriage is not meant to be easy, we all will struggle at some point no matter how hard we try. Remember to always talk to God and ask him for guidance in every situation you may be facing. In my personal testimony, I could've and almost did lose my marriage a few years ago but we both committed to one another when we said our vows and we immediately decided to start counseling and focusing on putting God first in our home again.
If you are struggling in a situation and need someone to confide in, someone you just need to listen, or whatever the case may be, I am one of those individuals that would love to help. Contact me at anytime and I would love to chat.
God Bless & Happy Valentines Day!
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Prepped Veggies
As stated in my previous post I would be posting what I did with the rest of my veggies I had cut up for my daughter's Valentine's Day party. I thought what better way than to prep them for grabbing in the mornings for my lunches, or for snacks when we get home in the evenings, etc. I took this idea from several different YouTube channels (Mind Over Munch, The Domestic Geek & Cambria Joy)
Check out their channels because they are all amazing ladies; plus they are so encouraging for everyday health and fitness. Not only that but they show you some amazing recipes as well!
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Reba's Valentine's Day party is tomorrow and her and I completed her goodies for her party and she had a blast. She has been learning so much at her little school/daycare that it just blows me away. Right now she is working on rhyming words and what she has sponged up in that little brain just amazes me. We have definitely been blessed with smart children.
So we created her little Valentine Cards that she picked out at the store and her favorite part was momma let her write her name on them along with putting the suckers on them. I forgot to take a picture but she chose the "Inside Out" lollipop swap for her gifts to her little friends and she chose to bring a veggie tray to her party so we created the little goodies below:
I thought it was simpler that way for the teachers to pass out to the kids. Just one of those things that came to my mind while cutting up the veggies.
Then the other night I whipped together this cute Valentine's box for a friend at work for her daughter to take because my friend didn't know what she should do. I told her not to worry about it that I would take care of it for her. (Reba creates all of hers at school so I don't get to do that for her)
Check out the next post for what I did with the rest of the veggies I cut up...
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Next Up...
Next up on the February New Habit Challenge I plan to tackle my dining room! Now of course this room coincides with the kitchen but because I decided to take the table out of there so I could use it to organize and move things away from kiddos while working (since there is a gate) then this room now is the worst room of them all. I have uploaded here what my dining room currently looks like, which in all honesty is making me insane!
Join me as I tackle this beast and you can also catch me over here!
These projects take me forever to complete due to working full time and when I get home at night I try hard to focus on my family instead of cleaning but sometimes I get side tracked in starting something and not paying them any momma time.
Do you have any good tips to help a busy, full time momma like myself?
Monday, February 8, 2016
Kitchen Challenge Complete!
Thank the Lord! I am excited to say that I have completed my first February New Habit Challenge of getting my kitchen clean and organized. If you would like to see the outcome of my hard work you can click on over here to see it!
I probably say this more than you guys want to hear or read, but I was raised in a clean environment and my mother was a perfectionist. In some ways I feel that the way she was so "perfect" in cleaning and things that she did around the house caused me to despise cleaning and what not. As I now have my own children and also as I watch different YouTube channels on mommas and what they do daily to keep up with the busy life of not only working or staying home working, cleaning, children, etc. it has motivated me to really take a step back in my life and really look at what I need to start focusing on.
My biggest issue I have discovered about my laziness to tidy and clean routinely is my daughter will sometimes comment after tripping over a toy or what not that made her fall or trip, "Mom you didn't clean this up!" I, of course, am taken back with a bit of anger and say, um little Miss I didn't leave it out! That is when I realize that oh, well maybe if I would insist on everyone, including myself, put things away after we are done with things then we wouldn't have this issue of clutter, toys, etc. everywhere.
Please join me as I continue to work on different areas in my life and home throughout the month of February to get set in stone my new habits of life.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Progress Update on Cleaning
I have been working all week not only at my full/daytime job but when I get home in the evenings I head straight to the kitchen as soon as I can so I can get dinner started along with tidying and cleaning areas of my kitchen.
The kitchen has been my main focus this week not only because of my blog/vlog challenge but because it is the place where we cook, gather, and enjoy each other with food. I can be honest, I definitely grew up a whole lot better taught than what I am portraying to my children. It makes me think deeper about what the heck I am doing and what is really important. I have seen so many different YouTube videos on organizing in many different ways, along with daily and monthly cleaning routines. I am striving extremely hard to be able to have that kind of routine because I am tired of clutter, tripping over something because we were all too lazy to pick it up, or just not feeling like we can enjoy our space as a family.
Monday I will be sharing not only my finished product of my clean kitchen but also introducing the next area I will be focusing on for the next week to come. I look forward to my accomplishments and also look forward to seeing what you have accomplished. You can find me at anyone of those social media links to your upper right of the blog to post your accomplishments.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Kitchen Cleaning Challenge
It is the second day of February and my main focus this week is my kitchen. Since the kitchen is usually the main room for all homes where everyone/everything tends to gather, I wanted to start it this room.
Ever since we have moved in, we have never had great storage in our kitchen because unfortunately we have too much junk! I have been watching a lot of different channels on YouTube that provide ideas on how to begin de-cluttering, organizing, and all other forms of getting into a daily routine within your kitchen.
To begin, this is what my disaster looks like...
Crazy/nasty right? I sure think so and lately I have become obsessed with getting things organized and trying so hard to get into a cleaning routine to ensure that my home is always company ready. Of course as you momma's know, that sometimes seems impossible to keep up with.
So my main goal the rest of the week is to completely accomplish organizing and seriously cleaning this kitchen of mine! UGH, I am ready to get started...
Let's GO!
You can join me with posting your successful pics on Instagram and tagging me @blissfullyssu
Ever since we have moved in, we have never had great storage in our kitchen because unfortunately we have too much junk! I have been watching a lot of different channels on YouTube that provide ideas on how to begin de-cluttering, organizing, and all other forms of getting into a daily routine within your kitchen.
To begin, this is what my disaster looks like...
Crazy/nasty right? I sure think so and lately I have become obsessed with getting things organized and trying so hard to get into a cleaning routine to ensure that my home is always company ready. Of course as you momma's know, that sometimes seems impossible to keep up with.
So my main goal the rest of the week is to completely accomplish organizing and seriously cleaning this kitchen of mine! UGH, I am ready to get started...
Let's GO!
You can join me with posting your successful pics on Instagram and tagging me @blissfullyssu
Monday, February 1, 2016
February Challenge Kickstart
I cannot believe that it is February already, can you? Well as I begin the second month of 2016 I am trying to become a successful blogger along with starting a vlog on YouTube (My Channel). One of my all time favorite channels to watch daily is organizedMOM because she is absolutely wonderful to watch and get motivated from. Her name is Christy and she is actually the one that inspired me to vlog. Hop on over to her channel and check her out.
With all that being said, my challenge for this month is to get a little more organized along with a daily cleaning routine. So this challenge will be either in blog form or vlog form. I have so many plans that I want to accomplish this month that I also want to share with you especially if you are a working momma like I am. Honestly, I am the worst at keeping my house tidy and picked up and it has only became worse since children have come into our lives.
That is why I feel I need to socially challenge myself to work on getting these new habits accomplished, would you be willing to help me and provide me with your tips?
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