Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Kitchen Cleaning Challenge

It is the second day of February and my main focus this week is my kitchen. Since the kitchen is usually the main room for all homes where everyone/everything tends to gather, I wanted to start it this room.

Ever since we have moved in, we have never had great storage in our kitchen because unfortunately we have too much junk! I have been watching a lot of different channels on YouTube that provide ideas on how to begin de-cluttering, organizing, and all other forms of getting into a daily routine within your kitchen.

To begin, this is what my disaster looks like...

Crazy/nasty right? I sure think so and lately I have become obsessed with getting things organized and trying so hard to get into a cleaning routine to ensure that my home is always company ready. Of course as you momma's know, that sometimes seems impossible to keep up with.

So my main goal the rest of the week is to completely accomplish organizing and seriously cleaning this kitchen of mine! UGH, I am ready to get started...

Let's GO!

You can join me with posting your successful pics on Instagram and tagging me @blissfullyssu

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