Saturday, February 13, 2016

Valentine's Day, Love, & Unveiled Wife

This day comes around every year and it seems like more and more it has become about gifts and how much or how big your gift will be for that special for someone. Unfortunately when people are on a tight budget there is no room for gifts; honestly is that all we think about is gifts?

Well I was surprised by my husband getting coverage to watch the kids all night so he could take me out to dinner & a movie. It definitely was something I did NOT see coming because I knew we had so much to get done throughout the evening and weekend. So he has shown me the love he has for me by making this evening special. Daniel and I have not had the chance to go on a date for over 6 months and that has taken a slight toll on our relationship. We had been making a point to have at least one date night a month so we could just spend quality and intimate time together to just catch up with one another. It was a wonderful evening.

Anyway back to looking into that "love" word and what it may mean in our marriage...

I have read this amazing book by Jennifer Smith, well-known for the blog

If you have not read this book, I highly recommend it because she really opens up about her marriage and her spiritual walk with God. Within the first couple of chapters I had marked a few paragraphs that really spoke to me and stood out to me.

"How would you ever learn unconditional love if you were married to someone who met all the conditions?... How would you ever learn mercy, patience, long-suffering, or heartfelt compassion if you were married to someone who never failed you? Who was never difficult with you? Who never sinned against you? Who has never slow to acknowledge their sin or ask for forgiveness? How would you ever learn grace to pour out your favor on someone who did not deserve it if you were married to someone who was always deserving of all good things?"

"The main purpose of marriage is that through your marriage you become conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.... You are married to a person who does not meet all the conditions so that you might learn unconditional love. You are married to a person who needs mercy so that you learn to give it. You are married to a person who does not deserve so that you learn to lavishly pour yourself out on a person who does not respond appropriately. And thus you become like the God you worship!" 

"Over the last several years, as God continues to transform me and my marriage, I have also learned the value of what it means to be unveiled: to embrace those moments of raw vulnerability in order to draw closer to others in a real way. I have gained a rich understanding of how intimacy is cultivated in relationships by allowing myself to be made known. God gave me the courage to be transparent with Him and with my husband, revealing more about me--my true identity, my heart's desires, and my personal struggles." 

These three paragraphs really spoke to me, do they speak to you? All too often do I forget what marriage is truly about. Marriage is not meant to be easy, we all will struggle at some point no matter how hard we try. Remember to always talk to God and ask him for guidance in every situation you may be facing. In my personal testimony, I could've and almost did lose my marriage a few years ago but we both committed to one another when we said our vows and we immediately decided to start counseling and focusing on putting God first in our home again.

If you are struggling in a situation and need someone to confide in, someone you just need to listen, or whatever the case may be, I am one of those individuals that would love to help. Contact me at anytime and I would love to chat.

God Bless & Happy Valentines Day!

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