Friday, January 8, 2016

New Year = Organization Time

Ok so how many of you actually plan or put on your New Year's resolution list to actually get organized either at home or at work? Well this year I decided that it was something I needed to really focus on.

As most of my friends know, I am not well organized at home at all! Well I have decided that I am going to start getting things together around here and just doing an all around "clean out" of my house. In today's world many (like me) focus on acquiring junk, nic naks, etc. But if we really sit down and think about it (which I have...FINALLY lol) being materialistic is not worth it. We seem to gather more and more junk around the house than what we really need. As I sit here writing this post, I look around at all the things that honestly I don't NEED. I just have them because I thought they would be handy to have, or I liked what it looked like, or just had that urge to spend money that wasn't necessary! So in 2016, my main focus is to work on becoming LESS materialistic, getting organized around my home and getting rid of any unneeded items within our home. There are just so many things that sit around and don't get used, so my opinion is to no longer store it and rid ourselves of this clutter.

This is another item on my "Overcome List" that I created for 2016.

Do you have any tips or ideas about organizing??


  1. I am constantly getting rid of stuff! With a big move coming this year I'm focusing on this even more! As you know, I am not a fan of clutter at all and I'm working at simplifying even more! I love storage boxes and labeling things! My other favorite thing, Especially for the kids, is the cubbies with the small fabric 12x12 storage bins! I can easily organize their toys but in a hurry it's easy to store away clutter for last-minute guests!

  2. Oh I would love one of those awesome cubbies but instead I have taken one of my old one shelf book shelves and took the cardboard backing off and put in the play area in living room with baskets to sort toys in for kiddos! I am so into this organizing!
